How did Covid affect the world of financial advice?

1 min read by Kate Morgan Last updated July 4, 2024

Investigate the challenges and opportunities in the post-pandemic financial advice world.


  • The pandemic accelerated the shift to a digital economy, prompting financial advisors to embrace digital tools and platforms.

  • Client risk tolerance and investment preferences shifted significantly in response to pandemic-induced economic disruptions.

  • Advisors should continue to focus on debt management, diversification, and embracing technology, as these strategies proved to be the best financial advice during Covid.

How did Covid affect the financial advice world in 2020?

When COVID-19 hit in early 2020, it sent shockwaves throughout the world. The financial advice sector felt the impact immediately. Advisors suddenly faced a rapidly changing landscape and unprecedented challenges. The effects of COVID-19 on the economy were almost immediate, and the stock market plummeted, causing panic among investors. In this chaotic environment, financial advisors had to adapt swiftly to provide reassurance and guidance to anxious clients.

Remote work became the new norm almost overnight. Advisors had to pivot to virtual meetings and rely on digital tools to provide financial advice during the pandemic. They had to recreate the personal touch integral to financial advising through screens. This sudden shift changed how advisors communicated with and supported their clients through turbulent times.

What effect did Covid have on the economy?

The impact and effects of Covid on the economy were intense and rapid. Lockdowns and social distancing measures caused a significant drop in economic activity. This resulted in a sharp decline in GDP. Unemployment rates soared as businesses closed or scaled back operations. Financial markets saw extreme volatility, with major indices experiencing their fastest falls in history.

For financial advisors, the economic turmoil heightened client concerns, necessitating clear and confident financial advice during Covid. Portfolios rapidly devalued, and the usual strategies for managing risk faced unprecedented tests. Advisors navigated these challenges while providing clear, confident guidance to help clients stay the course or adjust their strategies as needed.

How does Covid still affect financial advice in 2024?

Four years on, the Covid-19 pandemic continues to affect the financial advice sector. While the immediate crisis has passed, advisors now face a new set of challenges and opportunities in a post-pandemic world. Clients’ attitudes towards risk, investment, and savings have evolved, influenced by the profound uncertainties they experienced during the pandemic.

The size of portfolios

Portfolios are still recovering from the effects of Covid on the economy. Markets may have rebounded, but the path to recovery has been uneven. Some sectors have thrived, while others have lagged. This has created a complex environment for portfolio management. Advisors now find themselves balancing conservative strategies to safeguard against future shocks with the need for growth to recover losses.

For instance, financial advisors saw their clients’ portfolios take a significant hit in 2020. Even though the market has largely recovered, they now adopt a more diversified approach by incorporating alternative assets to mitigate risk. This strategy has helped clients feel more secure and optimistic about their financial futures.

The digital economy has continued to expand

The pandemic accelerated the shift to a digital economy, and this trend shows no sign of slowing down. Financial advisors have had to embrace digital tools and platforms to remain competitive and meet client expectations. This has included everything from virtual meetings to digital portfolio management solutions.

Many financial advisors used to rely heavily on face-to-face meetings. During the pandemic, they transitioned to a fully digital practice. These advisors now leverage online tools to provide seamless service. This allowed them to retain their client base and expand their reach to clients who preferred digital interaction.

The ability to borrow money

The ability to borrow money was significantly affected by the pandemic. Initially, lending standards tightened as financial institutions reacted to economic uncertainty. While some of these restrictions have eased, the borrowing landscape remains more cautious than in pre-pandemic times.

For example, financial advisors who work with small business owners noticed that their clients faced more stringent requirements when applying for loans. As a result, they began advising them on how to improve their creditworthiness and navigate the new lending environment. This proactive approach has helped their clients secure funding despite the tougher conditions.

The remaining debt

Debt levels surged during the pandemic. Both individuals and businesses had to take on more loans to survive the economic downturn. Managing this increased debt load is a significant ongoing challenge for many clients.

Many financial advisors have focused on helping their clients develop strategies to manage and reduce their debt. They have guided clients towards financial stability by prioritizing high-interest debts and creating tailored repayment plans. This focus on debt management has become crucial to their advisory services post-pandemic.

How can financial advisors help those still affected by Covid?

Financial advisors should continue to focus on the following strategies, as they proved to be the best financial advice during Covid:

  • Reassess risk tolerance: Clients’ experiences during the pandemic may have altered their risk tolerance. By revisiting and adjusting risk profiles regularly, you can ensure investment strategies align with current comfort levels.

  • Focus on emergency funds: Reinforce the importance of having a healthy emergency fund to prepare your clients for future uncertainties.

  • Debt management: Help your clients to create actionable plans to manage and reduce debt and prioritize high-interest obligations.

  • Diversification: Encourage your clients to hold a diversified portfolio to help mitigate risk and capture growth opportunities across various sectors.

  • Embrace technology: Continue leveraging digital tools to enhance client engagement and streamline services.

Will financial advisors ever recover from Covid?

The financial advice sector will likely continue to feel the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic for years. While the immediate crisis has passed, its changes have left a lasting impact on how financial advisors operate and interact with clients. 

That said, recovery in the sector is ongoing. Advisors are adapting to new client expectations and market conditions. Prospective forecasts suggest a gradual but steady recovery. As advisors incorporate lessons learned from the pandemic into their practices, they will be better equipped to handle future challenges. 

Want to work with Unbiased?

The financial advice sector continues to evolve in the wake of the effects of Covid on the economy. Advisors have had to adapt to new realities and incorporate lessons learned to serve their clients better. While challenges remain, the sector remains resilient and adaptable. By staying proactive and embracing change, financial advisors can navigate the lasting effects of the pandemic and guide their clients towards financial stability and growth.

Thrive in the evolving post-pandemic financial advice landscape with Unbiased Pro, with instant access to your ideal clients and essential sales management tools.

Content writer

Kate Morgan

Kate has written for leading publications and blue chip companies over the last 20 years.