GDS Wealth Management
Initial consultation free
Registered investment advisor
Fee Only Fiduciary
Custom Financial Plans built by CFP Professionals
Tactical Investment Portfolios
Tax Planning
Estate Planning
Social Security
Healthcare in retirement
This firm is a Regulated Investment Advisor
Fiduciary duty to act in the best interests of your finances
Regulated by The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
Transparent about fees and never take commission when recommending a financial product
We can advise you on
Meet our advisors
Mr. Glen Smith
Mr. Robert Casey
The company we will be matching you to (the "Company") has entered into an agreement (“Agreement”) with Unbiased to refer potential clients to the Company. As a result of the Agreement, it is important that you are aware of the following:
Neither Unbiased nor any of its affiliated persons are clients of the Company or investors in any investment vehicles advised by the Company.
The Company will pay Unbiased cash compensation for each referral to the Company. The level of compensation Unbiased will receive for referring you will generally be a flat fee that is tiered based on the asset level you reported when you completed the questionnaire.
Unbiased has a conflict of interest, which creates an incentive for Unbiased to refer companies that Unbiased expects will provide it the largest compensation for referring you and others.
Unbiased Inc. is a registered investment advisor with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”). Registration as an investment advisor does not imply a certain level of skill or training.