What is the average salary in Houston?

1 min read by Rachel Carey Last updated November 27, 2024

Find out what the average salary in Houston is, as well as key insights into the current Houston minimum wage, highest-paying jobs, and income statistics for this bustling Texan city. 


  • The average salary in Houston is 67,621 a year, but this changes depending on neighborhood, age, and education level. 

  • The highest-paying jobs in Houston include CEOs, geoscientists, specialist managers and surgeons. 

  • Houston ties for the 9th most affordable city in the state of Texas. 

  • Houston is set to increase its minimum wage to $15 p/h by 2025. 

  • An SEC-regulated, fiduciary financial advisor can help you develop a financial plan to keep your finances on track. 

What is the average annual salary in Houston?  

Texas is sometimes referred to as a “talent magnet” for the job market. Houston is one of several Texan cities renowned for its thriving job market and high productivity output, making it one of the best metros in the States to both earn and work.  

In 2023, the average salary in Houston is currently set at $67,621 per year, or $32.51 per hour. However, the amount can vary depending on location, age, profession, education level, gender, and other key demographic factors. 

What is the average salary in Houston by neighborhood? 

Different neighborhoods represent different income demographics across the world, and Houston is no exception. Let’s take a look at Houston’s median annual salaries based on the most populated neighborhoods in the city:  

  • Downtown Houston: $3,799 p/m or $21.11 p/h  

  • Bellaire: $4,658 p/m or $26.88 p/h  

  • Northside: $3,442 p/m or $17 p/h  

  • River Oaks:  $3,525 p/m or $20 p/h 

  • Pasadena: $4,294 p/m or $24.77 p/h 

Despite these useful figures, it’s important to remember that this is only one way of calculating earning potential for a location. Other factors, such as department, skill level, industry, and age, all come into play when determining the average income in Houston.  

What is the average salary in Houston by age? 

People’s average earning rate fluctuates depending on how old they are. In most industries, a higher age indicates more experience and skill level, inviting salary rates to increase.  

Let’s take a look at the average annual salary in Houston by age, from 18 to over 65:  

  • 18-25: $32,839  

  • 26-44: $59,258  

  • 45-64: $62,876 

  • Over 65: $45,062 

What is a ‘good’ salary in Houston? 

Top earners in Houston make between $77,000 and $88,000 annually. That roughly translates to between $6,400 and $7,500 per month.  

A “good” salary is defined as a salary that enables earners to live comfortably or even luxuriously in the busy city of Houston. As of 2023, Houston ties with Beaumont as ninth among the most affordable cities to live in in the state of Texas.  

What are the highest paying jobs in Houston? 

Sometimes referred to as the Energy Capital of the World, Houston is globally renowned for its strong economy and activity in the aerospace and energy management spheres.  

However, there are plenty of other industries to explore in this city, with skilled job seekers moving there on a regular basis to pursue financially successful careers. Some of the highest-paying jobs annually in Houston include the following roles and positions:  

OccupationAnnual average salary
OccupationAnnual average salary
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)$259,708
Cardiovascular surgeon$248,946
Financial services director$231,692
Architectural and engineering manager$194,630
Computer and information systems manager$161,500

A significant portion of the highest-paying jobs available in Houston relate to the medical, financial, and environmental sciences sectors. People who work in these fields have a much higher average salary than those working in other industries.  

What is the minimum wage in Houston?  

The minimum wage in Houston is $7.25 per hour, which is equal to the Federal Minimum Wage set by the American government.  

However, the city of Houston is committed to increasing its minimum wage to $15 per hour by 2025. This will increase Houston's average household income and average salary accordingly. 

What is the average salary in Houston by hour? 

The average salary in Houston by the hour is $32.51/per hour. From the top earners to the minimum wage earners, this represents the amount when every salary in Houston is tallied up and averaged.  

What is the average salary in Houston by education level? 

As is the case in most cities around the world, education plays a big role in how much a Houstonian earns. The more educated a person is, the more likely they are to earn a higher salary.  

Only 33.3% (or one-third) of Houstonians have a college degree, which could explain why there is a significant wage gap between minimum wage workers and the city's highest earners at this point in time.  

What is the average salary in Houston by gender? 

On average, American women make $0.83 for every $1 that men make.  

In Houston, women can expect to make just 84% of what men make despite working in the same roles. The wage gap gets stretched further for women of color.  

What is a good starting salary in Houston? 

Entry-level salaries in Houston start at around $35,000. However, this amount varies drastically depending on the role, your level of education, and the industry you are working in.  

Speak to a financial advisor 

Discovering more about salary trends across the country is one way to take control of your personal finances. If you want to expand your knowledge further or learn how to save and invest while living in your city, Unbiased can help.  

Simply answer a few questions to get matched with the right financial advisor so that you can make more confident financial decisions.  

Senior Content Writer

Rachel Carey

Rachel is a Senior Content Writer at Unbiased, producing content across a range of different sectors, including personal finance, retirement, and investing. She specializes in simplifying intricate financial terms into clear, engaging content tailored for both B2C and B2B audiences.